Things to do in Cairo with Family
Things to do in Cairo with Family
Refresh your mind with your family, explore the underwater with a fantastic snorkeling tour to Ras Mohamed National Park from Sharm El Sheikh, learn about water sports in this enchanted world, take in the beauty of the vibrant fish and coral reefs, unwind on Sharm's beaches, and more with plan Egypt tour.
One of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Pyramids of Giza served as the royal necropolis for the Old Kingdom and was built on one of the rockiest plateaus on the banks of the Nile in Northern Egypt. The pyramid structure represents the development of tomb design and was created to last forever for an additional life.
Pyramids, tomb complexes, workers' housing, the solar boat museum, and the large sphinx make up the burial constructions of the three rulers of the fourth dynasty on the Giza plateau.
The name Memphis was first given by the Ancient Egyptians as Min-Nefer, and afterwards by the Greeks as Memphis. It is now a neighborhood village called Mit Rahina.
Memphis was the first capital city built following the union of Upper and Lower Egypt, and it was established in the first dynasty (3100 B.C.) by King Narmar. During the whole Old Kingdom, it remained the nation's capital.
Memphis was a centre for the worship of Ptah, god of creation and artworks, The creator god Ptah, his consort Sekhmet, and their son Nefertem, were the main focus of worship in the city which formed Memphis triad.
The Egyptian museum located in Tahrir Square, houses an unbelievable exhibit over 120,000 artefacts, which depicting ancient Egypt's glorious reign. Mummies, sarcophagus, pottery, jewellery and of course King Tutankhamun's treasures, this vast heritage is revealed in all its unparalleled glory hundreds of magnificent full-color photographs with special lighting techniques.
Egyptian museum founded in the 19th century by the French Egyptologist Auguste Mariette, to halt the plundering of archaeological sites and to arrange the exhibition of the collected artifacts, The Azbakian garden in Cairo was first used as a storage place for these artifacts, a museum was prepared at Boulaq, then transferred to an annex of the Giza palace of Ismail pasha, The present museum was built in 1900, in the neoclassical style by the French architect Marcel Dourgnon
Saqqara Or Sakkara is a desolate desert located west of the Nile 9 miles (14 km) south of Cairo, saqqara complex containd pyramid of djoser, Pharaohs buildings, columns and shrines, Mastaba of Mereruka, Pyramid texts of Unas, The purpose off saqqara complex is to facilitate a successful afterlife for the king so that he could be eternally reborn.
Step Pyramid or (pyramid of djoser) consecrated to king djoser, built by architect Imhotep, during third dynasty in Sakkara which was the cemetery for Memphis, Djoser's complex is the first stone building in Egypt whose architect is known with the name of Imhotep, The entrance to Sakkara has a large scale stone wall surrounds the complex.
One of the biggest temple complexes in the world is the Karnak Temple. This magnificent Temple, which is 200 acres (1.5 km by 0.8 km) in size and has an incredibly rich architectural history, was built to honour the Theban triad of Amun, Mut, and Khonsu and served as a place of pilgrimage for almost 2,000 years.
This great Temple of Amon Ra was known during the Middle Kingdom period as Ipt-Swt, which means the Selected Spot. It was also called Pr-Imn, or the House of Amon. From the Arabic word Karnak, which means fortified village, came the name Al-Karnak.
This superb complex hosting a group of temples and it has been enlarged over a thirteen hundred years period. Enclosed are the three primary temples of Montu, Amun, and Mut.The three main temples of Mut, Montu and Amun are enclosed by enormous brick walls. The Open Air Museum is located to the north of the first courtyard, across from the Sacred Lake.
The Valley of the Kings is separated into two valleys: the East Valley, which contains the majority of the royal tombs, and the West Valley, which is known in Arabic as the Valley of the Gates or wadi El Pipan. The valley served as a royal burial site for pharaohs such Tutankhamun, Seti I, and Ramses II as well as queens, high priests, and other eminent members of the 18th, 19th, and 20th dynasties during Egypt's New Kingdom (1539-1075 B.C.).
The number has recently increased due to the discovery of the burial chamber in 2006 (often referred to as the "tomb of 63") and the discovery of additional entrances to the same room in 2008.
7/ Hurghada Trips
Hurghada Trips is an ideal beach destination for most Europeans because of its rich coral reefs and turquoise waters with the best diving and snorkeling sites along its shoreline. Hurghada Tours, At the Red Sea Coast, you not only get the chance to see the beauty of the underwater world but you also have the rare opportunity to interact with dolphins, walrus, and seals. Your child will relish and you can take pictures with the dolphins after the open air–show. Get the feel of Ancient Egypt with a visit to El Dahar. This is the old district of Hurghada, inhabited and frequented mostly by locals and tourists because of the wide selection of shops and dining places with Plan Egypt Tours.
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Cairo, Nile Cruise and Sharm El Sheikh Package
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